An announced success

Arbos introduces significant news in tractors and in the implements segment.

Versatile, multifunctional, aesthetically spot on – it’s not by chance that 5130 won the top-rated RED DOT award in 2017 for its captivating design – it is a protagonist of the 100-130 HP power segment. Manufactured in the brand new Engineering Center of Migliarina di Carpi, ARBOS 5000 series will make the best impression of itself in the Advanced Version. Available from next year, 5130 Advanced is certified to Tier IV final and is equipped with a second passenger seat, front loader, electronic rear lifter and integrated front lifter. In addition to these extras, you can count on the Powershuttle transmission with a 3 ratios powershift. The flagship product, the ARBOS 7000 series in the model 7260, is officially going to be produced by the end of next year, allowing the Group to reach another important goal; so much so that the Migliarina plant is ready to house the new production lines. The 6 cylinders engine, powered up to 260 HP, goes with a 5 mechanical synchro gears transmission, 3 ranges and 4-stage Powershift (this means up to 60 gears), plus the under load hydraulic inverter, a Load Sensing Hydraulic System and the electronic rear lifter. The entire ARBOS  range is fitted for the ARBOS Telematics technology, that includes the satellite GPS guide, the ISOBUS set-up and a telemetry system that supervises the machinery performance.


ARBOS and specialized tractors

4070E, 4080E, 4090E and 4100E series represents the state of the art of the ARBOS Group regarding isodiametric machineries. These are machines that comply to the TMR (Tractor Mother Regulaton), a comfort and safety assurance for the professionals who will choose them. The E series stands out for its braking abilities, the additional safety features during the ignition and working phase, the increased protection of the machinery warm components and the enhanced ergonomics of the driver’s seat, which has also been adjusted in terms of size – a positive point in the “safety cell” definition for the operator. As far as orchards are concerned, ARBOS excels with 4090Q, 4100Q and 4110 Q: both E and Q series, in the TMR version, will be available at the beginning of next year. Talking of small tractors, then, we can’t overlook the 3000 Series the compact ARBOS range that is perfect for greenhouse and nursery working, in orchards and vineyards, in the municipal and green maintenance works, but also in the open field, if you understand it as an accessory tractor.


ARBOS and implements

After its debut at EIMA 2016 ARBOS’ full line of implements completes and broaden itself with the introduction of new products, new technologies and a new style, creating the path towards the family feeling direction, plus a new naming. Starting with the products, first row is for the new trailed Sprayer BLASTER 4000, star product of the Group, entirely developed in house. There are at least 4 points of strength: it can follow the tractor’s wheel tracks, with a steering radius up to 5 meters; it avoids product overlapping or untreated zones; it is extremely precise in the headlands; wheel track can vary from 1,5 to 2,25 meters, keeping the minimum steering radius constant. In addition to that, you can count on the height adjustable shaft that allows the connection with several models of tractor, the independent suspensions system, the double junction steer, the working width up to 36 meters and the tank capacity up to 6 thousand liters.

As far as planters are concerned instead, one important news is represented by DIREKTA 600, the pneumatic semi-mounted machinery, perfect for sod or minimum working lands (for cereals), that allows to incorporate the fertilizer to the ground in the same step. The floating structure allows the machinery to adapt to any soil condition. The core of the system is constituted by the planting element, patented with 2 wings for every component. The ISOBUS system further maximizes this machinery with great potential, mainly in the scope of conservation agriculture.

OMNIA 6000 is the semi-mounted precision planter that reveals the new style of the ARBOS full line in advance. The innovative shapes, in line with the ones of the tractors range, stand out for the decisive and dynamic lines, embodying the merging and harmony between tractor and implement, for the ideal soil working.

The 3D and TURBO SEED system are a mix of simple yet efficient innovations that aim at developing the seeding distributor (technological heart of a planter) in 3 dimensions: precision, speed, connectivity. The electronic variable speed drive, the automatic selector and the sensors applied to the distributor allow for absolute precision for every single seed planting. The TURBO SEED sinusoidal depositing tube increases, at the same time, the precision of the ideal distance between two seeds and the speed, that can reach 18 km/h, increasing the work productivity in general. All this is remotely controlled with a tablet, following the connectivity trends that in the next future will allow the maintenance and predictive control of the single distributor.

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